2014年10月13日 星期一


在玩 Zentyal 時,在架設 WEBMAIL 時,我被這 3 篇文章,誤導........................


I did what you said and things are working even after rebooting.  Here's what I did to fix it.

1. Disabled the webmail module through the 'Module Status' section of the admin interface.

2. Deleted the webmail service from the Software Managment - > Zentyal components section of the admin interface.

3. I opened /etc/mysql/conf.d/zentyal.cnf and modified the line to read innodb=on.

4. I found the password to mysql by looking in this file... /var/lib/zentyal/conf/zentyal-mysql.passwd

5. I ran this command and supplied the password.
sudo mysql -p

6. Then I issued the following commands
show databases;  (this will show you the databases)

DROP DATABASE roundcube; (this deletes the roundcube databse)

exit  (this exits the mysql command prompt.

After doing this, I reinstalled the webmail service, enabled it and it all worked!

Thanks again to all that posted to help out.

Then reinstalled the webmail service via the Software Management -> Zentyal Components menu.


To fix this:
Disable the webmail service in 'Module Status'
sudo nano /etc/mysql/conf.d/zentyal.cnf
and change this line as shown: innodb=on
then: service mysql restart
get the MySQL pass: sudo cat /var/lib/zentyal/conf/zentyal-mysql.passwd
then: sudo mysql -p
Execute this query: DROP DATABASE roundcube;
Run this script: sudo /usr/share/zentyal-webmail/enable-module
Re-enable the webmail service in 'Module Status'

Easy huh. Everything is working now. Think about it when you click Next.


My case

remark this
  #innodb = off
  service mysql restart

is not enough. I must replace password for roundcube user at mysql too.
Zentyal generate password at this file /etc/roundcube/debian-db.php
and Mysql admin at this file /var/lib/zentyal/conf/zentyal-mysql.passwd.

  mysql -u=root
  mysql> use mysql;
  mysql> update user set Password = PASSWORD('Password roundcube from debian-db.php') where User = 'roundcube';




HR , NO!Human Resources,NO!

※※ 這樣內容,上手會困難嗎?※※ 我想到什麼?就寫什麼!※※



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