真的是「 Free wave!」嗎?快點去下載來試試看!
我已經測試「八個月囉!」架設需求:Apache:• Version 2.x (推薦2.2)
PHP:• Version 5.2.0 or 更高 (推薦5.2.6 or 更高版本)
• Modules (非詳盡清單):
o curl (推薦)
o gd
o mbstring
o mcrypt
o mysql
o mysqli
o sqlite
o pdo
o pdo_mysql
o pdo_sqlite
o Shared memory support enabled (推薦)
o Json support enabled (推薦)
php中的配置• safe_mode off
• disable_functions empty
• memory_limit >= 16MB
• post_max_size >= 20MB (for upload)
• max_upload_size >= 20MB (for upload)
• session.use_only_cookies disabled
MySQL:• Version 5.x
瀏覽器:• Firefox 3 or 更高 (推薦3.5)
• Safari 4
• Opera 10.x
• Internet Explorer 7 or 更高
其它:• recoll: 可讓eyeOS 2.0 搜索文件
• flash: 可讓eyeOS 2.0 上傳或預覽文件.
• OS: Debian 5.0+ (Stable Branch) 穩定版
eyeOS 2.0安裝 下載壓縮文件 網址:http://eyeos.org.
把它解壓到你的 web server 根目錄下.
創建必要的數據表, 按照下面順序和路徑執行所有的SQL腳本:
o /eyeos/extras/EyeosUMSQL/EyeosUMSQL.sql
o /eyeos/extras/EyeosEventsNotification/EyeosEventNotification.sql
o /eyeos/extras/EyeosPeopleSQL/EyeosPeopleSQL.sql
o /eyeos/extras/Calendar/Calendar.sql
o /eyeos/extras/MailApplicationSQL/MailApplicationSQL.sql
在「/settings.php」文件的貯存部分(STORAGE), 設置數據庫連接.
o define('SQL_CONNECTIONSTRING', 'mysql:dbname=eyeos;host=');
o define('SQL_USERNAME', 'root');
o define('SQL_PASSWORD', 'root');
把 「dbname=eyeos」 替換成你的數據庫名:「dbname=你的數據庫名」
把 「」 替換成你的數據庫所在主機地址
最後, 把 「root」 替換成連接你數據庫的用戶名和密碼
o sudo chown R wwwdata:wwwdata /var/www/eyeos
o sudo chmod -R 777 /var/www/eyeos
eyeOS所存在目錄是 「/var/www/eyeos」
這個系統已存在2個自定義用戶: root (password: root), 和 john (password: john).
如果你跟著完成了所有步驟,你就可以通過你設置在web服務器上的地址(e.g.連接到你的eyeos開始頁面。一旦做完這個,你就能使用eyeos 2.0自定義的用戶或創建新用戶登錄到系統中。
微軟 Office 也在他的攻略範圍內!其他超強悍的套件?就不多說了。
zohoSuite is the intergration of Zoho Office with eyeOS. You can now create, edit and save documents, sheets and presentations with Zoho.
The CPC09 Release do not contain the gif that animate the loading. It\'s the only difference between the two versions.
Main features
* Integration of the Zoho Office Suite with eyeOS
* Create or Open Documents (doc, rtf, odt, sxw, html) with Zoho Writer and save them into your eyeOS system.
* Create or Open Spreadsheets (xls, odt, csv) with Zoho Sheet and save them into your eyeOS system.
* Create or Open Presentations (ppt) with Zoho Show and save them into your eyeOS system.
* Fully functionnal from the user directory and from the shared directories
* The document is not stored on Zoho Server, Only on your eyeOS Private Cloud Computing System.
大家光看 Downloads 次數,就夠「嗆」囉!但若你們要「商業運用」那是違法的唷!