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有事找我,請直接 TEL:886 0972174238 找我爸媽是沒用的,他們一句都不會跟我談,他們早就習慣不問我願不願意。
為 台灣獨立 停止 中國政權 參加台灣選舉,有ˋ中國人的地方就有欺騙,一切都是中國人造成的錯誤!
進入 HR-NO 專案
2024年12月28日 星期六
每日安保條約 - 美軍駐沖繩基地 - 調整軍事等級
做生意的人,有很基本的方法付錢,不需要經過【 R.O.C 政府組織 / KMT 中國政權 】就達成很多不可告人的約定,若中國人意圖侵佔臺灣,相信你們會遭遇非常大的驚喜,因為我願意就會發生【你們難以想像的軍事復仇行動】。
美軍駐沖繩【 Lieutenant General 副 指揮中心 】調整為【 General 通常指揮中心 】,其指揮範圍【 菲律賓 以北 的一切海域島嶼 】。
發佈於 2024 年 11 月 25 日凌晨 4:40(巴黎),更新於 2024 年 11 月 25 日上午 7:55
根據日本共同社11 月25 日星期一報道,美國正在製定在台灣發生緊急情況時在日本和菲律賓進行軍事部署的應急計劃。 。
US draws up contingency plans for Taiwan emergency
Kyodo news agency in Japan reports that US resources would be deployed on a Japanese island chain near Taiwan. If an emergency appears imminent, temporary bases would be set up on inhabited islands.
Le Monde with AFP
Published on November 25, 2024, at 4:40 am (Paris), updated on November 25, 2024, at 7:55 am
The United States is drawing up contingency plans for military deployments in Japan and the Philippines in case of an emergency over Taiwan, Japan's Kyodo news agency reported Monday, November 25. They will be incorporated in a first joint operation plan to be formulated in December, according to sources familiar with Japan-US relations, Kyodo said late Sunday.
A US Marine regiment which possesses the multiple-launch HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) would be deployed along Japan's Nansei island chain stretching from Kyushu to Yonaguni near Taiwan, Kyodo said.
From an early stage, if a Taiwan contingency becomes highly imminent, temporary bases will be set up on inhabited islands based on US military guidelines for dispatching marines in small formations to several locations, the report added.
Japan's military is expected to mainly engage in logistical support for the marine unit, including supplying fuel and ammunition, it said. Kyodo added that the US Army would deploy Multi-Domain Task Force long-range fire units in the Philippines, Kyodo said.
The Japanese and the Philippines defense ministries were not immediately available for comment. The US embassy in Manila declined to comment while the Chinese embassy in Manila "noted" the Kyodo report.
China is building up its military capacity while ramping up pressure on self-governed Taiwan, which it claims as part of its territory.
Washington has been strengthening alliances in the region, while infuriating Beijing with regular deployments of ships and fighter jets in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea.
張貼留言 (Atom)
HR , NO!Human Resources,NO!
※※ 這樣內容,上手會困難嗎?※※ 我想到什麼?就寫什麼!※※
有需要技術文件 DarkMan 蒐集了不少!
有需要技術文件 DarkMan 蒐集了不少!
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MikroTik RouterOS 專業級路由系統
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Linux Network Route
MikroTik RouterOS 專業級路由系統
網路卡、路由表、iptab 表、btctl show(一)「loopback 和網路卡*4」
網路卡、路由表、iptab 表、btctl show(二)拿微軟的系統route,來證明一下!
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網路卡、路由表、iptab 表、btctl show(四)Root路由器
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CD Route network
Linux CD route 網路設備配置的順序.....
Linux CD route 001 介紹
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甚至「Linux CD route 計畫」更能夠實現「網路自由」的架構!
Fdisk 磁碟管理(一)共用「 Linux 與 微軟Windows」
Fdisk 磁碟管理(二)磁碟 boost loader 觀念
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MikroTik RouterOS 專業級路由系統
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Linux Network Route
MikroTik RouterOS 專業級路由系統
網路卡、路由表、iptab 表、btctl show(一)「loopback 和網路卡*4」
網路卡、路由表、iptab 表、btctl show(二)拿微軟的系統route,來證明一下!
網路卡、路由表、iptab 表、btctl show(三)釋出路由方向
網路卡、路由表、iptab 表、btctl show(四)Root路由器
網路卡、路由表、iptab 表、btctl show(五)防禦對象
CD Route network
Linux CD route 網路設備配置的順序.....
Linux CD route 001 介紹
Linux CD route 002 軟體安裝
Linux CD route 003 外網
Linux CD route 004 內網
Linux CD route 005 安全
Linux CD route 006 防火牆